You want to create an RFP for a new website! What do you need to include? The first section is the business context. Why do you need to put your business proposal in context? Think of it from the reader’s viewpoint. By placing it in context, you’re helping them understand your requirements so … [Read more...]
Business Proposals: How to Write Costs For RFPs
Having difficult getting started with the Budget and Costs section in your Business Proposal? The purpose of the Budget is to give more than just a statement of proposed expenditures; it is an alternate way of showing, for example, the fluctuations that may arise depending on how the scope of work … [Read more...]
7 Request For Proposal Evaluation Guidelines
Your success as a Proposal Manager depends on your ability to respond to Request For Proposal documents, understand the procurement process, write compelling responses, and coordinate your team during the writing process. However, even with the best will in the world, unless you have guidelines, … [Read more...]
34 Ways to Review Request For Proposals
If your next Business Proposal is for an important client, and you're working under pressure to get the document submitted on time, it’s easy to get confused and forget something which determines whether you win or lose the bid. One way to avoid this is to use a proposal checklist to identify each … [Read more...]
6 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Deliverables
The next part of the Business Proposal to write is the Deliverables section. The Deliverables section should be simple to understand but many Proposal Writers fall over themselves here. Where to start with Deliverables Let’s play good cop, bad cop for a minute. In the Request For Proposal, it … [Read more...]
How To Guarantee Consultants Meet Their Goals
So far our Proposal Writing Course has looked at two things. How to create a central hub (the table of contents) and define your first pillar (the Exec Summary). Next up we'll go through each section and 'satisfy' the folks who published the RFP that Yes, we do know what we're talking … [Read more...]
17 Ways to Write 75 Emails a Day
As someone who runs their own company, lost time is lost money. And, it’s no different if you work for someone else. Lost time = lost money. Every minute counts. ‘Help me answer every email in the same biz day!’ I got this from a good friend a while back and this is what I wrote back to … [Read more...]
Kate Winslet’s 7 Smart Ways to Read Business Proposals
What can Kate Winslet teach you about proof-reading Business Proposals? Watch the movie The Reader and it will make sense. If she was writing this blog, she’d probably say: “Don’t do it all at once! One of the biggest mistakes you can make when revising any business proposal, is to do it all in one … [Read more...]