I spend 10 hours a day writing proposals, business reports and other documents. One of the hazards of working these long hours is migraine, back pain and (literally) a pain in the neck. You can get away with this in your 20s, but as you get older you need to take greater care of your health. I … [Read more...]
The Secret of Warren Buffett’s Writing Style
What I like about Warren Buffets Annual Reports is that he says so much with so few words. And loses nothing in the process. For those of us who make a living writing business documents there are a few lessons to be learnt here. Why The Executive Summary is Important The Executive Summary of any … [Read more...]
17 Ways to Write 75 Emails a Day
As someone who runs their own company, lost time is lost money. And, it’s no different if you work for someone else. Lost time = lost money. Every minute counts. ‘Help me answer every email in the same biz day!’ I got this from a good friend a while back and this is what I wrote back to … [Read more...]
Can She Lead? Are Women Better Managers Than Men?
The Harvard Business Review asks What the U.S. Can Learn From Europe About Gender Equality in the Workplace, and then Can She Lead? These articles raise the sensitive issue of: whether women make good bosses, want to be bosses and (slightly controversially), will men support … [Read more...]
Sherlock Holmes Guide to Finding Hidden Styles in Microsoft Word 2007?
Sandra wants to know where is the Styles menu option in Microsoft Word 2007. She wants to update her new business plan and add Notes, Messages, Quotes and other pre-formatted styles. The Styles in Microsoft Word 2003 and 2007 seem to be different. She’s right. The Microsoft Word user … [Read more...]
Kate Winslet’s 7 Smart Ways to Read Business Proposals
What can Kate Winslet teach you about proof-reading Business Proposals? Watch the movie The Reader and it will make sense. If she was writing this blog, she’d probably say: “Don’t do it all at once! One of the biggest mistakes you can make when revising any business proposal, is to do it all in one … [Read more...]
How to Stop Business Proposal Files From Crashing
Is there anything worse than writing your Business Proposal all afternoon and then… Word crashes! If your Microsoft Word files suddenly become huge and start crashing, here’s one way to fix it. I've creating some very large business proposals in Microsoft Word and learnt a few ways to control these … [Read more...]